Get 3 months of Sony LIV Premium Subscription key
- This code is issued and is the property of Culver Max Entertainment Private Limited India
(CMEPL) (formerly known as Sony Pictures Networks India Private Limited)
- This code can only be redeemed in India and is valid till 20 / 04 / 2025.
- This code cannot be used/clubbed with an existing subscription / offer on the SonyLIV app or
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- This code is non-refundable and cannot be transferred for value or redeemed for cash. It is not
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liability on CMEPL.
- Any dispute arising with respect to the code will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of
competent courts in Mumbai. The existence of any dispute if any will not constitute any claim
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- Use of this code constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions as available on
© 2022 Culver Max Entertainment Private Limited India (formerly known as
Sony Pictures Networks India Private Limited). All rights reserved.
Step - 5 Product Registration – Select the TV model
Step - 6 Fill in the registration details